The Determination of Intracellular Labile Ironome for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Iron-Related Disorders: the Example of Friedreich’s Ataxia’

Redox 2023 Speakers Dr. Charareh PourzandDr. Charareh Pourzand, University of Bath, United Kingdom, will join Redox Medicine 2023 this June to present his recent research on "The Determination of Intracellular Labile Ironome for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Iron-Related Disorders: the Example of Friedreich’s Ataxia’".

Recent studies on human disorders as well as cellular studies with environmental oxidizing agents have indicated that excess accumulation of redox active labile iron (LI) plays a key role in conferring cellular sensitivity to oxidative damage and the resulting pathologies and cell death. The sensitive evaluation of LI distribution in subcellular compartments under physiological and oxidative/ pathological conditions can be beneficial for diagnosis and prognosis of iron-related disorders and the development of highly specific iron chelators as preventive and therapeutic agents for iron-related oxidative injuries and diseases.

Dr. Pourzand and her team have recently developed highly specific iron sensors capable of sensitively monitoring and evaluating the cytosolic, lysosomal and mitochondrial LI levels which together provides the labile ironome profile of cells in oxidative and pathological conditions with potential application as diagnostic or prognostic markers in iron-related disorders.

Using the example of Friedreich’s ataxia, Dr. Pourzand will discuss how labile ironome of individual patients’ cells can be used as a prognostic marker for the promotion and the progression of this neuro-muscular disorder.

Join Redox Medicine 2023 to learn more about Dr. Pourzand's interesting talk.

All innovations regarding redox medicine will be covered during the meeting. You can submit a related abstract here.

Redox Medicine 2023 Congress
June 21-23, 2023 - Paris, France
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