About Redox Medicine Society

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health, ISANH, the founder and the scientific committee decided to change ISANH into the Redox Medicine Society.

Redox Medicine Society: Time for transformation

ISANH was established 25 years ago to discuss research on free radicals and their implications in various human pathologies. During the Paris Redox 2022, the scientific committee discussed how to transform ISANH and redesign new challenges as it is now time to update its aims and targets.

Today, the Redox Medicine field's importance is further increasing as accumulating evidence shows that redox biomarkers and redox medicine approaches may be applied in therapeutic and preventive medicine to counteract the damage done by free radicals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.

Extensive research has transformed the understanding that oxidative stress is associated with all major diseases. With new knowledge in redox biochemistry, translational strategies could lead to new innovative diagnostic and preventive tools as well as therapeutic approaches in the life sciences and medicine.

Our efforts aim to facilitate the translation of basic knowledge of redox biology into molecular medicine and to discover innovative new approaches to prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

After 25 years, it is time to innovate and reinvent. The International Society for Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health becomes the Redox Medicine Society. The central mission of RMS is to bring together and connect actors with advanced knowledge of redox processes, to improve human health and help the next generation of redox researchers.

In an era of increasing healthcare challenges, we urgently need to seriously consider the innovative alternatives offered by organic and inorganic redox active compounds. It has significantly diversified the field of redox medicine, paving the way for visionary approaches to the development of biotechnology and healthcare. The translation of many disciplines, where the fields of redox biology and free radical research have brought important scientific advances to society, the clinic, and industry, is what will help strengthen our field.

One of our main goals is to connect redox drugs with other key players: mitochondrial and microbiotal medicine.

New president of Redox Medicine Society

Redox Medicine Society PresidentDr. Carole Nicco,
Institut Cochin - INSERM U1016,
Université de Paris


Redox Medicine Society Aims

  1. Support the transfer of basic researches and data into a real clinical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics applications, nutritional and nutraceutical applications in food technology,
  2. Improve the knowledge transfer to take steps forward in the practical applications of Redox Medicine in health and disease,
  3. Bridge the researchers and the industry to implement and improve technology able to measure redox status,
  4. Target redox medicine and cellular homeostasis by various strategies.

Redox Medicine Society Main Activities

  1. Disseminate, communicate, innovate, and educate all actors interested in the field of Redox Medicine,
  2. Organize international conferences and workshops to exchange ideas, information, education and coordination,
  3. Analyze and provide recommendations to RMS’s members, health decision makers and institutions about the last antioxidants trends, uses and problems. This analysis is done by international qualified team members of the RMS,
  4. Encourage the communication and interaction among researchers, physicians, nutritionists, industrials, food technology and strategic marketing managers through a global Redox Medicine network,
  5. Release international publications and press news to offer a forum for discussions on the late-breaking discoveries in all fields of antioxidants and redox medicine.

Facts and Numbers

  • More than 25 abstracts books
  • More than 1,500 members (industrials, academics, students) from 35 different countries
  • 25 International Meetings
  • More than 5,000 attendees throughout the years

RMS Membership

RMS Membership is annual, open to any person, irrespective of the place of residence, and will be submitted to approval of the Committee.

To learn more about the benefits of RMS membership, please click here.

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